Connectors & Nodes

I feel like the word component has become kind of confusing in recent times. To me views, containers, components, smart components, dumb components etc., are all just types of components. Taking that into consideration, I think we need clearer, more declarative terms to describe what our components actually do.

The words connector and node are how I like to think of my Trux components. It's totally a personal choice and you can rename them to container and component or foo and bar if you like, it's totally up to you.


A connector is a UI component that is connected to a Trux store. If you've had a look at Redux, you might say they are similar to containers or smart components. Typically, connectors will contain nodes and pass data to them via props.

A connector is the most appropriate candidate to use as a top level route component. Since they are connected to a store, they will be able to communicate with a remote resource via the store on demand. This isn't a requirement however, you can still have connectors within other connectors if your use case demands it.


In the Trux sense, a node is a UI object that can receive data from a connector via props, you might know them as dumb components or just components. They are not connected to a store.

Typically a connector component would have one or many node components as children. A node can have local state if you wish - a form is a good example of a component that may not need to connect to a store but would need local state to function properly.

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