
A Model is a store that contains a single data object that is mutable. Mutations are broadcast to one or many connected components via the persist or update method. Through extending, your model can also contain various custom methods such as getters, setters and pretty much anything you like.

Trux models extend the base Store class and therefore inherit a number of methods and properties which make synchronising them with your UI very easy.

In this very simple example using ES5 syntax and plain JavaScript, we'll take a simple look at how models and connected components interact with one another

var app = document.createElement('div');
// instantiate a model
var character = new trux.Model({ name: 'Frodo' });
// create a 'component'
var hobbit = {
  truxid: 'HOBBIT',
  storeDidUpdate: function () {
      document.getElementById('app').innerHTML =;
var hobbits = [
]; = 'app';
// connect the component to the store

setInterval(function() {
  // mutate the store's data = hobbits[Math.floor(Math.random() * hobbits.length)];
  // persist the mutation
}, 1000);

In this example, the innerHTML of the #app element will be updated to a random item of the hobbits array every second. You can see a working version of this example here.

Note! You should avoid mutating store data directly where possible, this is done here for the sake of brevity for this example. See internal store changes for more info.

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