Store properties


@prop {object}

Each store has a components object which contains the store's connected components which are keyed by truxid. When connecting a component to a store, it is required that the component you pass to the connect method has a truxid property set. This property is used to broadcast changes to the component and also to remove it from the store's components object when disconnect is called.


@prop {object}

The emitter for a store is used to emit and listen for change events. When a change event is fired, a store will update its connected components via their storeDidUpdate method. You should not need to interact with the emitter directly, as these interactions are abstracted away by a store's persist method.


@prop {object}

These are the Headers sent with every API request if your stores communicate with a remote resource or entity graph. The single default header is Content-Type: 'application/json'. Headers can added, deleted or set via the addRequestHeader, deleteRequestHeader or setRequestHeaders methods.


@prop {string}

This is the GET route for the store and is applicable to both models and collections. This is the route used by the fetch method of either store. You can set the GET property manually or in the constructor of a store extension.


@prop {string}

This is the POST route for the store and is applicable to both models and collections. This is the route used by the create method of either store. You can set the POST property manually or in the constructor of a store extension.


@prop {string}

This is the PUT route for the store and is applicable to only models. This is the default route used by the update method of a model. You can set the PUT property manually or in the constructor of a store extension.


@prop {string}

This is the PATCH route for the store and is applicable to only models. This is the optional route used by the update method of a model. You can set the PATCH property manually or in the constructor of a store extension.


@prop {string}

This is the DELETE route for the store and is applicable to only models. This is the route used by the destroy method of a model. You can set the DELETE property manually or in the constructor of a store extension.


@prop {boolean}

Boolean to determine if changes to the store has been broadcast.


@prop {number|undefined}

Timstamp to determine when the store was broadcast, undefined if wasBroadcast is false.


@prop {boolean}

Boolean to determine if the store has been fetched from the remote resource.


@prop {number|undefined}

Timstamp to determine when the store was fetched, undefined if wasFetched is false.

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