Collection methods

@see - Store methods


@param {array} models - array of model data objects
@return {object} Collection

Fills the collection with models. Instantiates a Model for each data item contained with in the passed array and appends these models to the collection.


@param {object} model - a model, must be an instance of this.model
@return {object} Collection

Appends a model to the collection's models.


@param {object} model - a model, must be an instance of this.model
@return {object} Collection

Prepends a model to the collection's models.


@return void

Purges the collection of its models.


@return {object} Collection

Broadcasts changes to connected components.

fetch(query = '')

@param {string} [query] - optional query string to append to GET endpoint
@return {object} Promise

Gets the collection from its remote resource.

static extend(props, setup)

@param {object} props - custom props for the new class
@param {function|undefined} setup - an optional function to run within the new class' constructor
@return {function} Extension - the extended class

Extends Collection and returns the constructor for the new class. This is a convenience method for ES5, it will me removed in the future.

static modify(props)

@param {object} props - the props to add to the Collection class
@return void

Modifies the Collection class with the passed properties. This will enable all custom collections to inherit the properties passed to this method. This is a convenience method for ES5, it will me removed in the future.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""