Store methods


@param {object} component - the component to connect to this store
@throws ReferenceError - if component.truxid is undefined
@return void

Connects a component to the store and ensures the component receives updates via broadcast. Throws a ReferenceError if the component does not have a truxid defined and triggers a console warning if the component does not have a storeDidUpdate method.

Note! For React, this should be called within the component's componentDidMount method.


@param {object} component - the component to disconnect from this store
@throws ReferenceError - if component.truxid is undefined
@return void

Disconnects a component from the store, stopping it from receiving updates.

Note! For React, this should be called within the component's componentWillUnmount method.


@return {object} Store

Disconnects all components from the store.

addRequestHeader(key, value)

@param {string} key - the key for the header
@param {mixed} value - the value for the header
@return {object} Store

Adds a request header.


@param {string} key - the key for the header to delete
@return {object} Store

Deletes a request header.

set requestHeaders(headers)

@param {object} headers - headers object
@return void

Set the store's request headers.

get requestHeaders()

@return {object}

Gets the store's request headers.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""